คู่มือจาก Vmware
set chmod 777 666 เติม ข้างล่างด้วย 2 ออพชั่น
1 If an earlier version of VMware Tools is installed, the menu item is Update VMware Tools.
3 Run the mount command with no arguments to determine whether your Linux distribution automatically mounted the VMware Tools virtual CD-ROM image.Some Linux distributions use different mount point names. For example, on some distributions the mount point is /media/VMware Tools rather than /mnt/cdrom. Modify the command to reflect the conventions that your distribution uses.Some Linux distributions use different device names or organize the /dev directory differently. If your CD-ROM drive is not /dev/cdrom or if the mount point for a CD-ROM is not /mnt/cdrom, modify the command to reflect the conventions that your distribution uses.
6 The location of this directory depends on where you placed it during the previous installation. Often this directory is placed in /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib.ls mount-pointUsually, the vmware-config-tools.pl configuration file runs after the installer file finishes running.
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